Happy MenuPages Give Yourself A Coronary Day

Our RSS feed is trying to kill us.

Within minutes of one another, we get the following, from Serious Eats and from Chicagoist, respectively:

The Fatty Melt, a beef patty sandwiched between two separate grillled-cheese sandwiches, and…

The Inside-Out Burger from Hackney’s, wherein a seemingly innocuous beef patty actually contains a molten core of cheddar cheese and bacon.

We’re going to predict that as of tomorrow, you can reach us c/o University Of Chicago Hospital, lipid-removal and personal-scolding department.

The Hamburger Fatty Melt, a Burger with Two Grilled Cheese Sandwiches as Its Bun [Serious Eats]
One Great Sandwich: Hackney’s “Inside Out” Burger [Chicagoist]
Hackney’s Printers’ Row [MenuPages]
Hackney’s Printers’ Row [Official Site]

[Photos via SE and the ‘Ist, respectively]


Happy MenuPages Give Yourself A Coronary Day