What Is Your Inner Child Having For Lunch?

We are now entering the portion of the day when our brain enters pre-lunch mode, and all we can think about is how much we deeply, desperately want any food that crosses our awareness (so far this morning we have craved: ravioli, corn and black bean tortilla pie, spinach pizza, and taramosalata).

Given our highly susceptible mental state, viewing posts like this should be illegal: eating foods you loved as a child.

Like Anton Ego in Ratatouille taking his first bite of the movie’s namesake dish, foods like these — lunchables, or mac-n-cheese with hot dogs, or (our personal childhood culinary kryptonite) pickles, iceberg lettuce, and mayo on toasted white bread, or (our other favorite) a bagel with cream cheese and crushed Doritos, or (our mom’s favorite) French-cut green beans straight from the can — send us hurtling through spacetime back to our childhood kitchens, where we are warm, unaware of the current state of politics or the economy, and in a state of complete gastronomic bliss at being served our favorite food.

We’re curious, of course, what your favorite childhood foods are, and whether you make them for yourself whenever you need a Proustian jolt back to happier times. For us, we are going to spend our lunch hour scavenging for baloney and wonder bread. With mayo. And without shame.

#928 Eating foods you loved when you were a kid [1000 Awesome Things]

[Kraft cheese & macaroni, via aidan.morgan’s Flickr]


What Is Your Inner Child Having For Lunch?