The Whopper Sacrifice: ‘Lord Of The Flies’ For the Burger Set

We don’t talk too much about Burger King on this blog. This is in part because we don’t list their menu, and in part because their promotional gimmicks are just so completely and obviously setting themselves up to be blog-fodder that our pride will not allow it.*

So, whatever. Our pride: screw it. This is absolutely brilliant: The Whopper Sacrifice. The deal is that blah blah you love whoppers, so in order to prove your undying dedication, the fine folks at Burger King will give you a completely free one — on the condition that you un-friend 10 people on Facebook.

Easy peasy, right? Because when you un-friend someone on Facebook, the person you un-friend never finds out about it (that is, until they try to interact with you and then get a virtual slap in the face). WRONG! Because the evil genius of this campaign is that you have to un-friend this dectet of hapless individuals through the Whopper Sacrifice Facebook app, which broadcasts for all to see that you value your former coworker’s girlfriend about as much, or possibly less than, 1/10th of a fast-food hamburger.

Public humiliation for the sake of a free sandwich? That is something to which we will always hitch our wagon, folks.

Whopper Sacrifice [Official Site]

*Except when we got cranky about Whopper Virgins, but that’s the exception that proves the rule.

The Whopper Sacrifice: ‘Lord Of The Flies’ For the Burger Set