And, In A Predictable Move, Fake Phil Vettel Comes To Twitter

We suppose this was inevitable. The newest player on the twitter scene is none other than RealPhilVettel. Whoever’s manning the alter-ego of the Tribune restaurant reviewer seems to have left the caps lock on, and is digging into the V-man for his tendency to give a preponderance of restaurants just two stars. (Gotta admit, Vettel’s not nearly the sitting-duck mockery target that some of his restaurant reviewing compatriots can be.)

Regardless of the avatar’s validity as an online outlet of Mr. V, we expect there to be serious intra-tweeting flamewars between the dude and TheRealPatBruno, who is apparently the dude who got Vettel on here in the first place.


And, In A Predictable Move, Fake Phil Vettel Comes To Twitter