Hot Dog

Get Ready for Rick Moonen’s Shrimp Hot Dog

Rick Moonen
Rick Moonen Photo: courtesy Rick Moonen

We’ve gotten kind of used to Andrew Zimmern rolling into town for the future Chicago episode of Bizarre Foods, but this is the only time we’ve flinched. Zimmern met up with Steve Dolinksy and Rick Moonen (of Top Chef Masters fame) at Franks ‘N’ Dawgs, which is all cool. But then Dolinksy breaks the news that Moonen is in town not for fun, but to develop a shrimp hot dog…at Vienna Beef. Our Vienna Beef! You know, the maker of all great and wonderful hot dogs in our city. He’s not kidding. Talking to Dolinksy, Moonen says, “We’ve been tweaking a recipe over at Vienna, where they can extrude the stuff in a few minutes. We’ve tried them charred, boiled and steamed, and the best way still seems to be in the ‘dirty water’ method.” [Vocalo]

Get Ready for Rick Moonen’s Shrimp Hot Dog