Coming Soon

Wait…There’s Another Grant Achatz Bar?

Um..where's the office?
Um..where’s the office?

Hidden at the very end of Janet Fuller’s excellent article in the Sun Times about Next and Aviary, was the casual slip that there is now another bar in the works for Grant Achatz and company. Apparently it will be in the basement of Aviary, and there will no sign, other than a small maker on a door reading “The Office.” Sounds like a speakeasy to us. Surprisingly, it will have a completely different food and drink menu than Aviary. The Chicago Tribune hinted at this in a long profile of Achatz on Tuesday, saying that Aviary would have “inventive cocktails upstairs, classics downstairs.” But we really didn’t expect there to be such a divide between the two places. Oh, and you won’t be able to just walk in. Nick Kokonas told Fuller that “we either invite you, or you book it.” So, how do you get on that list. [Sun Times]

Wait…There’s Another Grant Achatz Bar?