
Caterer Cleans Up Act; Learn to Cook on Google+

• Two weeks after the Tribune uncovered unsanitary practices at Home Bakery and Festivals — including evidence that employees had left eggs outside in 100-degree heat — the caterer cleaned up and passed its city inspection. [Trib]

• Just one more soon-to-be-indispensable way Google is invading our lives: Cooking classes on Google+! [Diner’s Journal/NYT]

• Something to ponder: 9,450 restaurants closed in the U.S. last year. [Money & Company/LAT]

• The reason we’re all so fat in the U.S. could, in fact, be our farm policy. [NPR]

• Well, this is fun: Here’s a slideshow that breaks down what makes the burgers delicious at spots like Umami Burger, Smashburger, and, of course, In-N-Out. [NRN]

• The food situation in Kenya has reached crisis levels. [Marketplace Africa/CNN]

• As much as airlines offer healthy food, people just want to eat crap. Wait, airlines are still offering food? [WSJ]

Caterer Cleans Up Act; Learn to Cook on Google+